Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Manage Stress at University Essays

Manage Stress at University Essays Manage Stress at University Essay Manage Stress at University Essay Stress occurs in human life is frequency because there are many challenge people need to face in daily. Also it is a part of student’s life, when the student study at university, they may face more difficult problem such as more expectation from their parents, financial problems, exam or assignment. There are many definitions about stress, one definition of stress is the body’s reaction from any situation or thought that changes a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. (Morrow, 2009) Sometimes appropriate stress is good for student as it pushed them to work better. It means that they can enhance their performance, including in exam. However, stress bring harmful more than beneficial, it can separate to physical and mental to present itself. In this essay, it will talk about the symptoms of stress and strategies of manage stress at university. When student was overwhelmed by stress, it can show by physical. Pain may normal in our life but sometime it is because of stress, even though we may not realize it, such as headache, back pain, chest pain and stomach upset, that is the symptoms of stress. Also, long time living with stress can affect health, it may lead to some disease, for instance heart disease, heart palpitations and high blood pressure. One of the symptoms of stress is sleep problems, it can affect student frequent forgetfulness or decreased productivity at exam, also, long time cannot get enough sleep that can cause decreased immunity. (Mayo Clinic staff,2009) Moreover, stress can bring about mental problem. There are some symptoms is about emotion was affected by stress. When student live under pressure, they may always feel anger and they will arguing with their friends or loves one by little provocation or no reason. Stress also can make student feel lonely or isolated, they may trigger crying jags, sometimes seemingly without warning, even they may cry for little things unrelated to their stress. Furthermore, too much stress to take, it will make student avoid the problems, feel hopeless or simply give up and chronic stress can develop to depression or anxiety disorders. They may think negativity when they can’t cope with stress. As they are automatically expect the worst or magnify the negative aspects of any undesirable situation. (Mayo Clinic staff, 2010) There are many strategies to cope of stress, here will provide two methods to help student cope well with stress. First, when you can’t avoid a stress situation, try to change it that may involve change the way of communicate and operate in the daily life. Student may feel resentment sometimes, some of them will endure it but it is not a good way to deal the stress. When student depressive their emotion in a long term, it may develop to mental illness. The better method is expressing their feelings and finds the best way of communication. If does not to convey the feelings, the discontented situation will likely remain the same. Something we have to be willing to compromise. When we hope others to change the treatment to ourselves, others are expecting the same things. For example, if both sides quarrel over something, they can mutually making a compromise and that can peaceful to solve the problem. Manage time better also can help to reduce pressure, as poor time management can cause time to be disperse and influence to study. Smith, Jaffe-Gill amp; Segal, 2008) Make a daily schedule, from social events to assignments to housework, and selective the quality things to do, it better is effective and don’t forget to set aside time for rest. In addition, some source of stress is unavoidable and unable to change, the best way is learn how to accept. Life has too many things under the control such as death, disease and behaviour of others. Student may focus on something can control by themselves, like reaction of the problem and try to face it positive. There are many challenge is a part of development, perhaps we may fault in the process, try to learn from mistake and improve the defect. Also, share the experience with someone can trust until overcome by stress. Even it does not have any realistic action, at least it can release negative emotion. The world is not perfect, everyone can make a mistake and that is a fact student need to accept, so learn to forgive, life will be easier. Negative mood can cause student make a wrong decision and injury the spirits by themselves, therefore let go of the negative energy that is the best way to go on of life. Smith, Jaffe-Gill amp; Segal, 2008) In conclusion, stress is deeply affecting our life, no one can avoid it. It is affect to physical and mental and it can lead to health problem. Therefore, manage stress is very important. Try to alter the situation and accept the things can’t change, even if something out of our expectation, try to face it be optimistic. Student also can do so me exercise to relax themselves. Although this essay only is written two forms of stress and strategies, students will get these problems normally. Reference list Morrow, A. R. N. 2009, Stress  Definition, viewed June 18, http://dying. bout. com/od/glossary/g/stress. htm Mayo Clinic staff, 2009, Stress symptoms: Effects on your body, feelings and behavior, viewed Feb, 20, mayoclinic. com/health/stress-symptoms/SR00008_D Mayo Clinic staff, 2010, Stress management: Reexamine your stress reactions, viewed July 23, mayoclinic. com/health/stress-management/SR00032 Smith, M. M. A. Jaffe-Gill, E. M. A. amp; Segal, R. M. A. 2008, Stress Management How to Reduce, prevent, and Cope with Stress, viewed December, helpguide. org/mental/stress_management_relief_coping. htm#authors

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